Snowy Run Day!!

It officially feels like winter in Buffalo!  It’s been snowing since Wednesday so today Krista and I decided to take advantage of it and get out for a run in Delaware Park.  We did 4.8 miles (about 10 minute pace) but it felt like we were going so much faster and that we went a lot further than that.  The Delaware Park loop was still covered in snow so you definitely got that effect of running in the sand.  By the end we were covered in snow but it felt great to be outside breathing in the winter air and exercising.  Krista and I were just accepted for the NYC Half Marathon in March so we need to start thinking about our training plan to get ready for the race.  Hope everyone is enjoying the snow!!

Culinary Intelligence

In my quest to live a healthier life I have started trying to cook more (instead of relying on takeout or grabbing options that might not be as good for me).  Part of this was spurred by my office participating in Game On (more about that in another post).  I just finished reading Culinary Intelligence: The Art of Eating Healthy (And Really Well) by Peter Kaminsky.  Kaminsky is a food critic and food lover who found himself packing on pounds when indulging out in restaurants.  Although this book didn’t have a lot of recipes it did give a good framework of how to enjoy food but think about it differently.  His premise is that you should avoid processed foods, buy great ingredients and become the best cook you can so that you can maximize those ingredients.  I definitely think processed foods can be the downfall in my diet so I’m going to try to focus on avoiding them and using great, fresh ingredients to make simple but delicious meals.  Do you have any go-to recipes that are fresh and healthy and avoid processed foods?

Sick day :(

I have to admit that it seems a bit strange to me that I’m starting a blog about fitness and running on a day when I’m missing the Freezer 5K because of a cold.  But maybe it also makes perfect sense because I’m laying around on the couch and this is something I’ve contemplated doing for quite a while.  I love reading blogs about fitness and exercise and am excited to have the chance to share my own thoughts as well.  I’m really passionate about exercise and fitness, love trying new things and being a part of my Buffalo community.  I just ran my first marathon (the Detroit full) but also love spinning, yoga and working out with a personal trainer.  Can’t wait to share more with you once I’m off the couch 😉  Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and go Bills!!